NZ’s new relocation support programme helps beneficiaries move for work - here's how this government initiative positively impacts businesses.
Published 18 October 2024 | 2 min read
The COVID-19 pandemic forced many businesses to embrace remote working, and for many employees in New Zealand, it has since become a highly valued perk. The shift to working from home (WFH) not only helped maintain productivity during difficult times but also offered Kiwis a better work-life balance, leading to increased employee satisfaction.
Now, as some employers and government bodies begin pushing for a return to the office, a significant challenge looms for managers, owners, and HR departments across the country.
Reversing the remote work arrangement is no small feat. Many employees have come to expect the flexibility WFH provides and now actively seek roles that offer this benefit. For businesses considering a shift back to traditional office work, the task is not just about logistics; it’s about managing expectations, maintaining morale, and preventing disengagement or staff turnover.