NZ businesses have 12 months to negotiate opt-outs for high earners under the new $180,000 threshold - for raising an unjustified dismissal claim.
The Nevada Sport Story
From downhill to up mountain, boots 'n all. Nevada Sport Ltd was established in 1978 by Hamish Cochran, with the focus of bringing highly technical products that perform to the New Zealand market. Initially, these were ski products, pioneered by Hamish in New Zealand, across Freestyle Skiing, Telemark Skiing, Cross Country Skiing and Snowboarding. Nevada Sport also introduced the Head range of products to New Zealand. In the 90’s, as lifestyles altered with the progress in communication, IT and travel, and leisure time became more precious, they introduced more versatile outdoor, travel and leisure products that reflected this faster pace of life.
The business is situated on 80 acres on the edge of Christchurch, nice and close to the mountains.
David Steans (Managing Director) and his team recognise the importance of providing fit-for-purpose HR solutions. Hence, Nevada Sport has signed up with HR Today because we understand their business and their people. David likes the fact he can use HR Today as a sounding board with any HR-related question, and can also access other EQ services at a discounted rate of 20%.