Is social media harming your hiring processes?

Published 8 August 2024 | 2 min read

Hiring the right candidate is a critical task for any business, especially in New Zealand's competitive market. The costs associated with a bad hire are substantial — not just in terms of money but also in time and team morale. An employee who doesn’t fit well can disrupt your workplace culture and productivity. Therefore, ensuring the right fit is essential, and increasingly, social media is being used to aid in the recruitment process. But is it a help or a hindrance?


As businesses increasingly use social media for recruitment, it’s crucial to consider the potential pitfalls. While social media can offer a glimpse into a candidate’s personality and interests, it can also introduce unconscious biases or lead to hiring mistakes. For instance, a candidate’s social media presence might include information about their personal life that isn’t relevant to their professional capabilities. This can lead to unintended discrimination based on ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, or other personal attributes.

Additionally, social media profiles are not always accurate representations of a person’s qualifications or character. They can be curated or even entirely fabricated. As a result, relying heavily on social media profiles can lead to hiring decisions based on inaccurate or misleading information.


Despite these risks, there are undeniable benefits to using social media in the hiring process. Platforms like LinkedIn allow employers to reach a wider audience, including passive candidates who may not be actively job hunting but could be the perfect fit for your role. Social media also offers a way to showcase your company culture, which can attract candidates who align with your values and environment.

Moreover, social media can provide deeper insights into a candidate’s professional achievements and network. LinkedIn endorsements and recommendations can give a more well-rounded view of a candidate’s skills and experiences, beyond what’s listed on their CV. This can help you identify candidates who not only have the right skills but also the right professional network and industry influence.

Balancing the positives and downsides

The future of recruitment lies in balancing these benefits and risks. By leveraging social media, you can tap into a broader talent pool and gain a better understanding of potential hires. However, it’s crucial to navigate this digital landscape carefully to avoid privacy violations and unconscious biases.

To achieve this balance, consider implementing the following strategies:

  • Separate personal and professional information: Focus on professional social media platforms like LinkedIn for recruitment purposes. Avoid delving into personal social media accounts unless absolutely necessary and relevant.
  • Standardised screening processes: Develop a standardised process for reviewing social media profiles to ensure consistency and fairness. This can help mitigate unconscious biases and ensure that all candidates are evaluated on an equal footing.
  • Training and awareness: Provide training for hiring managers and HR professionals on the ethical use of social media in recruitment. This should include awareness of privacy laws and anti-discrimination policies.
  • Privacy settings awareness: Encourage candidates to manage their privacy settings on social media. This can help them present a professional image while keeping personal information private.
  • Verification of information: Always verify the information found on social media profiles through traditional methods such as reference checks and interviews. This can help ensure that your hiring decisions are based on accurate and reliable information.

Social media can be a powerful tool in the recruitment process, offering access to a wider talent pool and deeper insights into candidates. However, it’s essential to use this tool wisely to avoid the pitfalls of privacy concerns, unconscious bias, and misinformation. By implementing clear policies and procedures, you can harness the benefits of social media while maintaining a fair and effective hiring process.

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