COVID-19: Managers support pack

COVID-19: HR Toolkit and managers support pack

We're working closely with employers to provide them with the people support they need when they need it. COVID-19 has posed unprecedented circumstances for businesses and NGOs across New Zealand. Whether you need immediate HR support or ongoing support throughout this period, we're here to help and be as flexible as you need. 

To ensure that businesses can still access the HR support they need, we've developed the following solutions for employers:

  • COVID-19 HR Outsourcing: Whether you need variation agreements (yes, you still need to have written agreement for all employees if you are making any amendments to hours or pay), an HR hotline to soundboard concerns or issues, or regular employment relations advice and best practice - we have a range of options carefully designed to ensure that employers get the expertise they need at a flexible and fair rate. To discuss a solution for your business, get in touch using the contact details below.

  • COVID-19 HR Recovery Pack incl HR Toolkit (60% off): Never has there been a more important time to ensure that your employee policies and procedures are in place. Need to develop better employment documentation? Our HR Manual Toolkit includes essential HR policies and processes + our COVID-19 recovery pack. We have reduced the price significantly to ensure that employers can still access the essential HR documentation they need. However, we highly recommend talking to our consultants to ensure this solution provides best practice for your business. Click here for more information.

  • Managers support packWe've created an HR support pack for managers featuring useful advice and resources. You can download your free copy here or click the image below.

  •  NZTE funding for HR: We're a designated HR provider registered with the Regional Business Partner Funding's COVID-19 support scheme in conjunction with the NZTE. For more information get in touch.

Need support?

For immediate support or to discuss an HR solution for your business or organisation, call (03) 366 4034 or email to speak to a principal consultant.


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