NZ businesses have 12 months to negotiate opt-outs for high earners under the new $180,000 threshold - for raising an unjustified dismissal claim.
It has been a fulfilling few days working through Genos International Certification with Simon Miller from OPRA. We now have two highly experienced practitioners (Steve Kennedy - Managing Director and Craig Atkinson - Principal Consultant) equipped with the knowledge, skills and confidence to expertly and independently assess and develop skills associated with emotional intelligence. During the program, they explored:
– The Neuroscience of Emotions
– The Genos Models of Emotional Intelligence
– The Psychometric Properties of the Genos Assessment
– Interpreting and Debriefing Genos Assessment Results
– Developing Client Based EI Development Plans
– Group-Based Debriefing of Results
– Genos Emotional Intelligence Development Programs
– Interpreting and Presenting Emotional Intelligence Data
– Managing an Assessment Project