
Navigating workforce changes can be challenging for employers, especially when parting ways with valued team members.

At EQ Consultants we understand the importance of supporting departing employees through this transition with empathy and professionalism.

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All-encompassing support system

Each employee is teamed with Lyndal Miller, a reputable Career Consultant with over 20 years of experience in recruiting and career consulting to deliver guidance on a personal level.

Positive exits with a
strategic approach

Empathetic support for exiting employees, positively influencing the entire team and their morale. Our outplacement services help them transition smoothly to the next career phase.

Reinforce your employer brand

Strengthen a positive reputation with employees after employment that reinforces the ability to attract and hire quality candidates, win back lost talent or generate referrals. 

Stress-free transitions for your departing employees

Comprehensive CV and cover letter transformation

Lyndal conducts in depth reviews and updates of CVs to effectively highlight skills and achievements, ensuring they align with industry and role standards. We place importance on developing cover letters that resonate with potential employers and align with specific job opportunities.


Well-trained interview preparation

Our local one-on-one coaching and support enables you to enhance interview performance and confidence. Lyndal takes the time to understand each individual's unique situation and aspirations, creating a tailored approach to meet their specific needs and goals. 

Enhanced job search strategies

Equipping individuals with effective job search techniques and strategies. Lyndal prioritises enhancing LinkedIn profiles to expand networks, increase visibility and attract recruiters and potential employers. 

Support, reassurance and guidance on a personal level.

With extensive experience in guiding individuals through career transitions, Lyndal ensures that each individual receives the support they need during this uncertain time. Her compassionate approach combined with industry expertise empowers professionals at all career stages to navigate the competitive job market successfully.

Lyndal Miller, Outplacement Consultant at EQ Consultants

Learn more about Lyndal

Support employees' well-being and growth
beyond the organisation

Contact us today to explore how our outplacement services can benefit your team members and foster positive transitions. 

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